Presumptive Mediation in NY

Presumptive Mediation in NY

Climate change has reached NY’s Court system. Chief Judge Janet DiFiore has handed down an initiative requiring all of the state’s courts to shift to a Presumptive Mediation model.  The impetus for the change is an over-burdened court calendar and the recognition that...
One Size Fits One

One Size Fits One

In mediation, I help divorcing couples work through the details of their settlements. Most areas for decision making: parenting, property and support are generally the same for the vast majority of couples. After a session or two, however, the distinct needs of each...
The Parenting “Transparency”

The Parenting “Transparency”

Do you remember those overhead projectors? Actually, they are still in use. I checked Amazon. In my memory, the teacher would draw on a transparent sheet, lay it on the lighted glass and it would show up on the wall. As the lesson progressed, the teacher would add...

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